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99 Bottles of Beer (Alice ML)99 Bottles of Beer (Erlang)
99 Bottles of Beer (Haskell)99 Bottles of Beer (Inform 7)99 Bottles of Beer (Java)
99 Bottles of Beer (OCaml)99 Bottles of Beer (Perl)99 Bottles of Beer (Python)
99 Bottles of Beer (Ruby)A* search (JavaScript)
Abstract factory pattern (Java)Ackermann function (Alice ML)
Ackermann function (C)Ackermann function (Erlang)Ackermann function (Forth)
Ackermann function (Haskell)Ackermann function (Java)Ackermann function (OCaml)
Ackermann function (Prolog)Ackermann function (Python)
Apply button handling in dialog windows (Delphi)Arbitrary-precision elementary mathematical functions (Python)
Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic (C)Asian Option Pricing (MATLAB)
Average (J)BMP decoder (C)Base64 (C)
Basic constructs (AmigaE)Basic constructs (C)Basic constructs (C Plus Plus)
Basic constructs (Java)Basic constructs (OCaml)Basic constructs (Unlambda)
Befunge interpreter (C)Bernoulli numbers (Erlang)Bernoulli numbers (Haskell)
Bernoulli numbers (Python)Betti numbers (Python)
Binary heap (Scheme)Binary matrix (Java)
Binary numeral conversion (Python)Binary search (C)Binary search (C Plus Plus)
Binary search (Java)Binary search tree (C)Binary search tree (C Plus Plus)
Binary search tree (Haskell)Binary search tree (Java)Binary search tree (Scheme)
Binary search tree (Standard ML)Bloom filter (C)
Box-Muller transform (C)Boyer-Moore string search algorithm (Java)Boyer-Moore string search algorithm (Python)
Bresenham's circle algorithm (Python)Bresenham's line algorithm (Python)
Bubble sort (C)Bubble sort (CLIPS)
Bubble sort (C Plus Plus)Bubble sort (C Sharp)Bubble sort (Eiffel)
Bubble sort (Erlang)Bubble sort (Io)Bubble sort (Java)
Bubble sort (Lisp)Bubble sort (Smalltalk)
Bucket sort (C)Bucket sort (Java)Bucket sort (PHP)
Bucket sort (Python)CPU usage (C, Windows XP)CPU usage using performance counters (C, Windows 2000)
CTL model checker (CSP)Carpet fishing (sh)
Cat filter (Mercury)Chatterbot (QBASIC)Chemical equations balancer (Python)
Ciphersaber (QBASIC)Combinatorial Geometry in MATLAB
Complex numbers (C Plus Plus)Complex numbers (Java)
Complex numbers (Ruby)Complex numbers (Scala)Conversion between numbers and strings
Convert Integer to String (Java)
Convert Object to String (Java)
Convert integer to words (Java)Convert integer to words (QBASIC)Convert number to words (Java)
Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm (C)Cosine table (C)
Counting sort (C)Counting sort (C Sharp)Counting sort (Haskell)
Counting sort (Java)Counting sort (Python, functional)Counting sort (Scala)
Cubic spline (Python)Cuckoo Hashing
Data Acquisition (Matlab)Depth-first search (C Plus Plus)Depth-first search (Java)
Depth-first search (Python)Derivatives PricingDesk calculator (Python)
Diary (Java)Dijkstra's algorithm (C Plus Plus)
Dijkstra's algorithm (Inform 7)Dijkstra's algorithm (Java)Dijkstra's algorithm (Scala)
Directory listing (C, Windows)
Disjoint set data structure (C)Divisors (C)Doubly linked list (Java)
Drawing Petersen graph (Pic)Drawing convex hull (Pic)Drawing on map projections (Python)
Dynamic tray icon (Windows)Eight Queens puzzle (Haskell)Eight queens puzzle (C)
Eight queens puzzle (Erlang)Eight queens puzzle (Forth)Eight queens puzzle (J)
Eight queens puzzle (Scala)
Euclidean algorithm (C)
Euclidean algorithm (Erlang)Euclidean algorithm (Forth)Euclidean algorithm (Haskell)
Euclidean algorithm (Java)Euclidean algorithm (Java, recursive)Euclidean algorithm (OCaml)
Euclidean algorithm (Prolog)Euclidean algorithm (Python)Euclidean algorithm (Scala)
Euclidean algorithm (Standard ML)Exponentiation by squaring (AWK/dc)Extended Euclidean algorithm (C Plus Plus)
Extended Euclidean algorithm (Python)FAT12 floppy image (Python)Factorial (AWK)
Factorial (Pascal)Factorials with prime factorization (C)Factorials with prime factorization (Python)
Factorization with trial division (Scala)
Fibonacci numbers (ALGOL 68)Fibonacci numbers (Alice ML)Fibonacci numbers (C)
Fibonacci numbers (C Plus Plus templates)Fibonacci numbers (E)
Fibonacci numbers (Eiffel)Fibonacci numbers (Erlang)Fibonacci numbers (FORTRAN)
Fibonacci numbers (Forth)Fibonacci numbers (Haskell)Fibonacci numbers (Hume)
Fibonacci numbers (Icon)Fibonacci numbers (Java)Fibonacci numbers (JavaScript)
Fibonacci numbers (Lisp)Fibonacci numbers (Logo)Fibonacci numbers (Lua)
Fibonacci numbers (Mercury)Fibonacci numbers (OCaml)Fibonacci numbers (Oz)
Fibonacci numbers (PIR)Fibonacci numbers (Pascal)Fibonacci numbers (PostScript)
Fibonacci numbers (Python)Fibonacci numbers (Ruby)Fibonacci numbers (Scala)
Fibonacci numbers (Scheme)Fibonacci numbers (Sed)Fibonacci numbers (Smalltalk)
Fibonacci numbers (T-SQL)Fibonacci numbers (Visual Basic .NET)Fibonacci numbers (bc)
Fibonacci numbers (dc)Fibonacci numbers (occam)Fibonacci numbers (sh)
Fibonacci numbers (sh, iterative)File Manager (Perl Gtk2)Finite automaton string search algorithm (C Plus Plus)
Finite automaton string search algorithm (Java)Fisher-Yates shuffle (Erlang)Fisher-Yates shuffle (Forth)
Fisher-Yates shuffle (Haskell)Fixed-point arithmetic (Forth)
FizzBuzz (Erlang)Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm (C)
Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm (Scheme)Floyd-Steinberg dithering (C)Floyd-Steinberg dithering (Java)
Functional object (Matlab)Gamma function with Spouge's formula (Mathematica)Gamma function with the Lanczos approximation (Perl)
Gamma function with the Lanczos approximation (Python)Gamma function with the Lanczos approximation (Ruby)Gcd (C)
Gcd (bc)Generating all integer lattice points (Python)Generating all rationals (C)
Generating all rationals (Haskell)Generating all rationals (Python)Generating all rationals (dc)
Generating all tuples (Haskell)Generating all tuples (Lisp)
Generating all tuples (Perl)Generating all tuples (Python)Generating all tuples (Ruby)
Generic tree (Java)Goertzel algorithm (C)Goldbach's Conjecture (Haskell)
Handy macros (C)Hash function comparison (C, sh)Hash table (C)
Hash table (Java)Heap (Erlang)Heapsort (C)
Heapsort (Erlang)Hello World (ALGOL 68)
Hello World (AWK)Hello World (Ada)Hello World (Alice ML)
Hello World (Amiga E)Hello World (Applescript)Hello World (AspectJ)
Hello World (Assembly Intel x86 Linux)Hello World (Assembly Intel x86 NetBSD)Hello World (BASIC)
Hello World (Batch files)Hello World (C)Hello World (C, Cairo)
Hello World (C, Xlib)Hello World (C Plus Plus)
Hello World (C Sharp)Hello World (Candle)
Hello World (Clojure)Hello World (Delphi)Hello World (Dylan)
Hello World (E)Hello World (Eiffel)Hello World (Erlang)
Hello World (FORTRAN)Hello World (Forth)Hello World (Fortress)
Hello World (Go)Hello World (Groovy)Hello World (Haskell)
Hello World (Hume)Hello World (IBM PC bootstrap)Hello World (Inform 7)
Hello World (Java)Hello World (Java, Swing)Hello World (JavaScript)
Hello World (LaTeX)Hello World (Lisp)Hello World (Logo)
Hello World (Lua)Hello World (MATLAB)Hello World (Maple)
Hello World (Mercury)
Hello World (OCaml/F Sharp)Hello World (Oz)Hello World (PHP)
Hello World (PIR)Hello World (PLI)Hello World (Pascal)
Hello World (Perl)Hello World (Pic)Hello World (PostScript)
Hello World (Prolog)Hello World (Python)
Hello World (Rexx)Hello World (Ruby)Hello World (SQL)
Hello World (SVG)Hello World (Scala)Hello World (Scheme)
Hello World (Seed7)Hello World (Smalltalk)Hello World (Standard ML)
Hello World (Tcl)Hello World (Tcl Tk)
Hello World (Visual Basic)Hello World (Visual Basic .NET)Hello World (XSL)
Hello World (bash)Hello World (occam)Hello World (sh)
High Frequency FinanceHuffman coding (C Plus Plus)Huffman coding (Java)
Huffman coding (Python)Image processor (Java)
Input formatting (QBASIC)Insertion sort (ACL2)
Insertion sort (C)Insertion sort (Eiffel)
Insertion sort (Erlang)Insertion sort (Forth)
Insertion sort (Haskell)Insertion sort (Io)
Insertion sort (Java)Insertion sort (Lisp)Insertion sort (OCaml)
Insertion sort (Python)Insertion sort (Python, arrays)
Insertion sort (Ruby)Insertion sort (Scala, list)
Insertion sort (Smalltalk)Insertion sort (Standard ML)Insertion sort (Visual Basic .NET)
Iterative Double ClusteringJacobi Symbol (Erlang)Jacobi Symbol (Haskell)
Jacobi Symbol (Python)Julian days (QBASIC)
Kruskal's algorithm (Pascal)Kth permutation (Haskell)
Kth permutation (OCaml)Kth permutation (Python, functional)Kth permutation (Standard ML)
LU decomposition (Eiffel)Lambda Calculus Interpreter (Ruby)
Levenshtein distance (Java)List comprehension (Lisp)
Literate Programming (Python)
Literate Programming Tool (Python)Literate Programming tool (Python)Literate programming tools (Matlab)
Literate programming wiki (sh)Logarithm Function (Pascal)Logarithm Function (Python)
Logarithm Function (Python, functional)Long File Name Utilities (QBASIC)Longest common extension (Java)
Look and say sequence (C Plus Plus)Look and say sequence (Eiffel)Look and say sequence (Haskell)
Look and say sequence (J)Look and say sequence (Java)Look and say sequence (Lua)
Look and say sequence (OCaml)Look and say sequence (PHP)Look and say sequence (Perl)
Look and say sequence (Python)Look and say sequence (Ruby)Look and say sequence (Scala)
Look and say sequence (dc)Look and say sequence (sed)Look and say sequence (sh)
Lossless compression (Python)Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Erlang)Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Haskell)
Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (J)Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Java)Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Lisp)
Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Python)Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Ruby)Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Scheme)
MATLAB Financial ToolboxMD5 sum (C, OpenSSL)
Mahjong (ocaml)
Markov algorithm simulator (Haskell)
Markov algorithm simulator (Ocaml)Markov algorithm simulator (Python)Matching with allowed mismatch (Java)
Matching with wildcards (Java)
Matlab regressionsMatrix (Eiffel)Matrix product verification (Mathematica)
Median cut algorithm (C Plus Plus)Median cut algorithm (J)
Median filter (Python)Merge sort (ACL2)Merge sort (C)
Merge sort (C Plus Plus)Merge sort (Eiffel)Merge sort (Erlang)
Merge sort (Haskell)Merge sort (Java)Merge sort (JavaScript)
Merge sort (Lisp)Merge sort (OCaml)Merge sort (Oz)
Merge sort (Perl)Merge sort (Prolog)Merge sort (Python)
Merge sort (RubyMerge sort (Ruby)Merge sort (Scheme)
Merge sort (dc)Mersenne twister (C)Mersenne twister (Java)
Message Boxes (Visual Basic .NET)Miller-Rabin primality test (C)Miller-Rabin primality test (C, GMP)
Miller-Rabin primality test (Clojure)Miller-Rabin primality test (Groovy)Miller-Rabin primality test (Java)
Miller-Rabin primality test (Python)Miller-Rabin primality test (Ruby)Miller-Rabin primality test (Scala)
Mind reading machine (AWK)Miscellaneous tips for MATLABModular Division (C Plus Plus)
Monte Carlo simulation (Matlab)
New York State Identification and Intelligence System (Rexx)Newton-Raphson
Newton-Raphson's method for root finding (ALGOL 68)Newton-Raphson's method for root finding (C)Nth element (Java)
Nth element (Python)OCAMAWEBOCAMAWEB/Sources
POS tagger (Java)Parallel prefix (Python)Parser (Prolog)
Pascal's Triangle (Ruby)Pascal's triangle (Scala)Pascal's triangle (Scala, v2.8)
Perceptron (Java)Permutations with repetition (Java)
Photo to drawing (Python)Pi with Machin's formula (Erlang)Pi with Machin's formula (Haskell)
Pi with Machin's formula (Java)Pi with Machin's formula (Lisp)Pi with Machin's formula (Python)
Pi with the BBP formula (Python)Plots in MatlabPrint a file (Scala)
Priority Queue (Haskell)Private class variables (Python)Probability distributions (MATLAB)
Producer Consumer (C)
QR decomposition (Eiffel)QT designer - extendable window
Quadratic (Java)Quadruple Turing Machine (Ruby)Quadruple Turing Machine simulator (Ruby)/Example output
Quickhull (Javascript)Quickhull (Python, arrays)
Quicksort (AWK)Quicksort (C)Quicksort (C Plus Plus)
Quicksort (Eiffel)Quicksort (Erlang)Quicksort (Forth)
Quicksort (Haskell)Quicksort (Java)Quicksort (JavaScript)
Quicksort (Mathematica)Quicksort (Mercury)
Quicksort (Oz)Quicksort (Python)
Quicksort (Python, arrays)Quicksort (Scala)Quicksort (Sed)
Quicksort (Standard ML)Quicksort (Visual Basic .NET)Quicksort (XProc)
Quine-McCluskey algorithm (Java)Quine (BASIC)Quine (Clojure)
Quine (Erlang)Quine (Forth)Quine (JavaScript / URI)
Quine (Lisp)Quine (Oz)Quine (Perl)
Quine (Python)Quine (Smalltalk)
Quine (dc)R250/521 (C)R250/521 (Java)
RGB to HSV color space conversion (C)
Radix sort (C)
Radix sort (Java)Randomized Prime (Perl)
Real matrix (Eiffel)Red-black tree (C)Red-black tree (Java)
Red Black Tree (Java)Red Black Tree (Python)Reverse (Java)
Rot13 (Forth)Rot13 (Haskell)Rot13 (Java)
Rot13 (Python)Rot13 (Scheme)Rot13 (Sed)
Sahana translationsSandboxSavingUniverse (Java)
Science Fiction Plot Generator Spreadsheet (Excelsior)Scoped handle (C Plus Plus)Secant method
Selection sort (C)Selection sort (C Plus Plus)Selection sort (C Sharp)
Selection sort (Erlang)Selection sort (Haskell)Selection sort (Java)
Selection sort (Python, arrays)Shell sort (C)Shell sort (Fortran95)
Shunting yard algorithm (C)Shunting yard algorithm (C)/Tests
Shunting yard algorithm (Perl)Shunting yard algorithm (Python)
Sierpinski triangle (C)Sierpinski triangle (Erlang)Sierpinski triangle (Forth)
Sierpinski triangle (Haskell)Sierpinski triangle (JavaScript)Sierpinski triangle (OCaml)
Sierpinski triangle (Perl)Sierpinski triangle (Python)Sierpinski triangle (Scheme)
Sierpinski triangle (Sed)Sieve of Eratosthenes (Alice ML)Sieve of Eratosthenes (Bash)
Sieve of Eratosthenes (C Plus Plus)Sieve of Eratosthenes (Forth)Sieve of Eratosthenes (Haskell)
Sieve of Eratosthenes (Java)Sieve of Eratosthenes (Python)Sieve of Eratosthenes (Python, arrays)
Sieve of Eratosthenes (Scala)Signature package (Ada)
Simple Stack (Bmethod)Simple XOR cipher (C)
Simple economic model (MATLAB)
Singleton pattern (Java)Singleton pattern (Visual Basic .NET)
Singly linked list (C)Singly linked list (C Plus Plus)Singly linked list (Java)
Skip list (C)Skip list (C Plus Plus)Skip list (Java)
Soundex (C)
Soundex (Rexx)Soundex (Sed)Stack (C)
Stack (Java)Stack (Python)
Story tellingSubarray with Sum Divisible by Length of Array (Java)Suffix tree (Java)
Suffix tree (Java, Ukkonen)Sum of divisors (C)Swiss army knife MATLAB programs for quantitative finance
Tail (C)Tasklist (Windows)
Ternary Logic (Lisp)Testing Vending Machine (Java, Junit)The Knight's Tour (C)
The Knight's Tour (Haskell)Thomson Financial DataStream data access (Matlab)Tic Tac Toe (C Plus Plus)
Tic Tac Toe (Python)Tiles (XSL)TimeSeries and TimeSeries Collections (Matlab)
Tree height (Lisp)Trial division (C)Trial division (Java)
Trial division (bc)Tricky VersionTrigonometric functions using CORDIC algorithm (Python)
Turing machine simulator (C)Turing machine simulator (C)/Example outputTuring machine simulator (C Plus Plus, Generic Programming)
Turing machine simulator (C Plus Plus, Template metaprogramming)Turing machine simulator (Haskell)Turing machine simulator (Java)
Turing machine simulator (LaTeX)Turing machine simulator (OCaml)Turing machine simulator (Ruby)
Turing machine simulator (Ruby)/Example outputTuring machine simulator (Scheme)Turing machine simulator (Scheme)/Example output
Turing machine simulator (Sed)Turing machine simulator (Unlambda)Turtle graphics (JavaScript)
UUencode (C)Unification (QBASIC)
Unlambda abstraction elimination (C Plus Plus)Unlambda abstraction elimination (Sed)Unrolled linked list (C Plus Plus)
Vending Machine (Java)Web server (C Plus Plus)
Wiki (sh)Word count (Assembly Intel x86 Linux)Word count (C)
Word count (C Plus Plus)Word count (Forth)Word count (Haskell)
Word count (J)Word count (Lua)Word count (OCaml)
Word count (Perl)Word count (Python)Word count (Python, functional)
Word count (Rexx)Zebra Puzzle (Prolog)