Boyer-Moore string search algorithm (Java)

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A basic (without any good-suffix-shift rule) implementation of the Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm, with right-to-left scan and a standard bad-character-shift rule. This algorithm has a sub-linear typical runtime (see Gusfield, p. 17). It can be extended using a refined version of the bad-character-shift rule which improves efficiency for small alphabets, e.g. for usage in bioinformatics (see Gusfield, p. 18) and by the strong good-suffix rule for provable worst-case linear runtime (see Gusfield, p. 20). As an alternative for even faster matching (dependent on the pattern length, not the text length, after linear-time preprocessing) consider suffix-tree based algorithms (see Gusfield, p. 89).


We match a pattern of length n in a text of length m:

int m = text.length();
int n = pattern.length();

Preprocess the pattern for the right-to-left-scan and bad-character-shift rules by finding the right-most positions of all characters in the pattern:

Map<Character, Integer> rightMostIndexes = preprocessForBadCharacterShift(pattern);

We align p and t, starting on index 0 (meaning the beginning of the pattern is aligned with position 0, i.e. the beginning, of the text), and shift p to the left, until we reach the end of t:

int alignedAt = 0;
while (alignedAt + (n - 1) < m) {

On each aligned position, we scan the pattern from right to left, comparing the aligned characters at the current position in the text x and at the current position in the pattern y:

for (int indexInPattern = n - 1; indexInPattern >= 0; indexInPattern--) {
	int indexInText = alignedAt + indexInPattern;
	char x = text.charAt(indexInText);
	char y = pattern.charAt(indexInPattern);

If the pattern is longer than the text, we have no match here:

if (indexInText >= m)

In the case of a mismatch, we do the shifting:

if (x != y) {

We first retrieve the right-most index of the mismatching text-character in the pattern:

Integer r = rightMostIndexes.get(x);

If the mismatching character in the text is not in the pattern we can shift until we are aligned behind the mismatch-position, resulting in sub-linear runtime, as this will result in some characters never being inspected:

if (r == null) {
	alignedAt = indexInText + 1;

Else we shift the pattern to the right until the right-most occurrence of x in the pattern is under the mismatch position in the text (if this shift is a forward shift, i.e. to the right), as this is the next possible place where an occurrence of the pattern can begin in the text:

else {
	int shift = indexInText - (alignedAt + r);
	alignedAt += shift > 0 ? shift : 1;

If the characters are equal and the pattern has been scanned completely from right to left, we have a match at the currently aligned position in the text. We store the match and shift the pattern one position to the right:

else if (indexInPattern == 0) {


For each character in the string to preprocess, we store its right-most position by scanning the string from right to left, storing the character as a key and its position as a value in a hash-map, if it is not in the map already:

Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
for (int i = pattern.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
	char c = pattern.charAt(i);
	if (!map.containsKey(c)) map.put(c, i);


A bit of basic testing: match ana in bananas, print the matches found and simulate a simple unit test.

List<Integer> matches = match("ana", "bananas");
for (Integer integer : matches) System.out.println("Match at: " + integer);
System.out.println((matches.equals(Arrays.asList(1, 3)) ? "OK" : "Failed"));


This results in the full program when we put the pieces together:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
public class BoyerMoore {
	public static List<Integer> match(String pattern, String text) {
		List<Integer> matches = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		return matches;
	private static Map<Character, Integer> preprocessForBadCharacterShift(
			String pattern) {
		return map;
	public static void main(String[] args) {


  • Gusfield, Dan (1999), Algorithms on Strings, Sequences and Trees. Cambridge: University Press.