Look and say sequence (sh)
From LiteratePrograms
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A program without a loop and a structured variable isn't worth writing. — Alan J. Perlis
This is a simple shell script to generate look-and-say sequences such as the Conway sequence. As is common for shell scripts, we will (ab)use standard utilities to do almost all the work; however we will have the equivalent of a loop and a structured variable in an anamorphic unfold which must roundtrip between data representations.
looking and saying
Fortunately, there is already a unix utility, uniq, that when given the -c option (for Conway?) performs the heavy lifting of counting runs.
<<count runs>>= uniq -c
data mangling
Unfortunately, we expect to operate on strings of digits, while uniq expects lines of text.
The conv=unblock option to dd, meant for taking fixed-width files (such as Forth blocks or punch card datasets) and producing line-oriented files, can also expand strings character-by-character if a trivial blocksize (cbs=1) is specified.
<<inject>>= dd cbs=1 conv=unblock 2>/dev/null
Similarly, the tr program is capable, not only of character isomorphisms, but also, given the -d option, of mapping input (here, extraneous whitespace, whether the newlines introduced by our line-oriented injection, or the spaces introduced by uniq in counting) onto the trivial, null, output.
<<project>>= tr -d " \n"
The two are not, strictly speaking, inverses — but they are close enough for our purposes here.
Excercise: can you spot the adjunction and its resulting monoid?
lather, rinse, repeat
finally we set up a small tail-recursive function to yield each value in the sequence and calculate the next one
<<conway.sh>>= function looknsay() { echo $1 looknsay $(echo -n $1|inject|count runs|project) }
wrapping up
now all we need to do is provide an initial state (here taken from the command line, or defaulting to the conway sequence seed of "3")
<<conway.sh>>= looknsay ${1:-3}
and we can test various sequences, such as look and say:
> sh conway.sh 1 | head -10 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 31131211131221 13211311123113112211
> sh conway.sh | head -10 3 13 1113 3113 132113 1113122113 311311222113 13211321322113 1113122113121113222113 31131122211311123113322113
and the sole degeneracy:
> sh conway.sh 22| head -10 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Excercise: this is a nondegenerate degeneracy. can you find the degenerate degeneracy?
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