Look and say sequence (Eiffel)
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This is a simple Eiffel program to generate look-and-say sequences such as the Conway sequence.
<<look_and_say_sequence.e>>= class LOOK_AND_SAY_SEQUENCE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (gen: INTEGER) is do initial_item := gen.out start end feature -- Access item : STRING feature -- Traversal start is do item := initial_item end next is local i, count: INTEGER test_char: CHARACTER next_item: STRING do from i := 1 count := 0 test_char := item.item (i) next_item := "" until i > item.count loop if test_char /= item.item (i) then next_item := next_item + count.out + test_char.out count := 0 test_char := item.item (i) end i := i + 1 count := count + 1 end next_item := next_item + count.out + test_char.out item := next_item end feature {NONE} -- Implementation initial_item: STRING end
<<look_and_say_test.e>>= class LOOK_AND_SAY_TEST create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make is local i: INTEGER conway_sequence: LOOK_AND_SAY_SEQUENCE do create conway_sequence.make (3) from i := 1 until i >= 10 loop io.put_string (conway_sequence.item) io.put_new_line conway_sequence.next i := i + 1 end end end
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