Hello World (Assembly Intel x86 Linux)
From LiteratePrograms
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This is the traditional "Hello World!" program in NASM for Linux.
Data segment
We use the .data section to store the string and name it msg.
<<hello_world.asm>>= section .data msg db "Hello World!",0x0a
This code calculates the length of msg, and stores it in len.
<<hello_world.asm>>= len equ $-msg
Text segment
The .text section contains the actual code. _start is the entry point.
<<hello_world.asm>>= section .text global _start _start:
We use the write system call to output the text string on standard output. This call takes 3 arguments: file descriptor, pointer to buffer, length of buffer. The registers ebx, ecx and edx are used to store these arguments. We store the system call number 4 for write in eax. System calls are invoked with int 0x80.
<<hello_world.asm>>= mov ebx,0x01 mov ecx,msg mov edx,len mov eax,0x04 int 0x80
When write is finished, we call exit, which has number 1, with argument 0. The exit call will never return.
<<hello_world.asm>>= mov ebx,0x00 mov eax,0x01 int 0x80
This is how to compile and run this code:
nasm -f elf hello_world.asm ld -s -o hello_world hello_world.o ./hello_world
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