Hello World (Java, Swing)

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This article explains how to print "Hello, World!" using Swing, a GUI toolkit for Java.

Source code

We declare that we are going to use a couple of particular packages.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

The SwingHelloWorld class is a subclass of JFrame class. When we create a SwingHelloWorld instance, a window containing a "Hello, World!" string will pop up. The argument "Swing Example" is the title of the window.

public class SwingHelloWorld extends JFrame {
  public static void main(String argv[]) {
    new SwingHelloWorld("Swing Example");

The constructor contains every information we need to create a GUI. It begins with calling the superclass' constructor to set the title of the window.

  public SwingHelloWorld(String name) {

Then we tell when to close the application.


The JLabel instance displays the string provided to the JLabel constructor. We set the appropriate size to JLabel instance and append it to the panel.

    JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello, world!");
    label.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(210, 80));

The constructor ends with displaying the window.


External links

  • Example One: Your First Swing Program from the official java web site.
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