Generating all tuples (Ruby)
From LiteratePrograms
This is a simple example of the tuples generation algorithm, written in Ruby.
see The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) Volume 4 Fascicle 2, Generating All Tuples and Permutations (2005), ISBN 0-201-85393-0
Algorithm M
The generation function is genTuplesM as below:
- Input parameter: we list the limits on each bit into a list as an input
- Output: generating all possible tuples
<<genTuplesM.rb>>= def genTuplesM(lst) lst.inject([[]]) { |prev, b| prev.inject([]) { |acc, xs| acc + (1..b).collect { |i| xs + [i] } } } end genTuplesM([3,5,3,2])
Alternatively, using product() in Ruby 1.8.7 and later:
<<genTuplesM2.rb>>= def genTuplesM(lst) (1..lst[0]).to_a.product(*lst[1..-1].collect{|b| (1..b).to_a}) end genTuplesM([3,5,3,2])
Just load the file genTuplesM.rb in Ruby, execute it and you will get the result.
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