Ackermann function (Erlang)

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The Ackermann function or Ackermann-Péter function is defined recursively for non-negative integers m and n as follows:

0 \mbox{ and } n = 0 \\ A(m-1, A(m, n-1)) & \mbox{if } m > 0 \mbox{ and } n > 0. \end{cases}"/>

In the theory of computation, the Ackermann function is a simple example of a recursive function that is not primitively recursive. Note that this function grows very quickly -- even A(4, 3) cannot be feasibly computed on ordinary computers.

Using recursion and pattern matching this function is extreamly easy to impliment in Erlang.

<<ackermann function>>=
ackermann(0, N) ->
    N + 1;
ackermann(M, 0) when M > 0 ->
    ackermann(M-1, 1);
ackermann(M, N) when M > 0, N > 0 ->
    ackermann(M-1, ackermann(M, N - 1)).

Then all that is needed is some glue code to allow the function to be accessed as a script.

#!/usr/bin/env escript
main([A, P]) ->
    io:fwrite("~p~n", [xackermann(string:to_integer(A), string:to_integer(P))]).
xackermann({A, _}, {B, _}) ->
    ackermann(A, B).
ackermann function