Stack (C)
From LiteratePrograms
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This is an implementation of a Stack in C. WARNING! This article is inherently unstable.
#define STACKSIZE 100 struct stack { int top; int items[STACKSIZE]; }; int pop(struct stack *pstack) { if(!empty(pstack)) { return ((pstack->items)[pstack->top--]); } else { printf("STACK UNDERFLOW DONCE\n"); exit(1); } } void push(int val, struct stack *pstack) { if(pstack->top < (STACKSIZE - 1)) { (pstack->items)[pstack->top++] = val; } else { printf("STACK OVERFLOW DONCE"); exit(1); } } int stacktop(struct stack *pstack) { return ((pstack->items)[pstack->top]); } int empty(struct stack* pstack) { if(pstack->top == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }
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