Stack (Python)
From LiteratePrograms
A simple Stack in Python, implemented as an object-oriented, recursive data structure, a singly linked list. Note that Python's built-in list structure can already be used as a stack, using the "append()" and "pop()" methods.
The Stack consists of two classes: the stack, which has a head element and the element, which has a next element, visualized by the following UML class diagram.
The stack has a head element and three methods: push, for adding to the stack, pop, for retrieving and removing items and empty to test if the stack is empty.
- Push: add an element at the beginning (prepend), by setting the head to the new element and the next element to the old head:
<<push>>= def push(self, element): self.head = Element(element, self.head)
- Pop: return the reference to the first element in the stack, removing it from the stack by setting the head to the next element.
Note: When the stack is empty, we return "None" here. This is potentially ambiguous to the user, because since "None" is a valid value, it could be that there was an actual item of value "null". We could have alternately returned an exception.
<<pop>>= def pop(self): if self.empty(): raise EmptyStackException result = self.head.value self.head = return result
- Empty: return true if the stack is empty, indicated by an empty head:
<<empty>>= def empty(self): return self.head == None
- Sample usage: push some elements onto the stack. Pop them from the stack while it isn't empty. The effect of this is that the order is reversed (LIFO):
<<usage>>= stack = Stack() elements = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"] for e in elements: stack.push(e) result = [] while not stack.empty(): result.append(stack.pop()) assert result == ["fourth", "third", "second", "first"]
- The complete program:
<<>>= class EmptyStackException(Exception): pass class Element: def __init__(self, value, next): self.value = value = next class Stack: def __init__(self): self.head = None push pop empty if __name__ == "__main__": usage
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