Heapsort (Erlang)
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<<heapsort.erl>>= -module(heap). -export([new/0, new/1, add/2, remove_root/1, sort/1]). new() -> []. new(L) -> add([], L). add(Heap, []) -> Heap; add(Heap, [H | T]) -> add(up_heap(Heap, [ H ]), T). up_heap(Heap, [H | T]) -> PPos = trunc((length(Heap) + 1) / 2), case PPos > 0 andalso lists:nth(PPos, Heap) > H of true -> {Upper, [P | Lower]} = lists:split(PPos - 1, Heap), up_heap(Upper, [H | Lower ++ [P | T]]); false -> Heap ++ [H | T] end. remove_root([Root]) -> {Root, []}; remove_root([Root | Rest]) -> {T, [H]} = lists:split(length(Rest) - 1, Rest), {Root, down_heap([], [H | T])}. down_heap(Heap, [H | T]) -> CPos = length(Heap) + 1, if CPos > length(T) -> Heap ++ [H | T]; CPos =:= length(T) -> C = lists:last(T), if H =< C -> Heap ++ [H | T]; true -> Heap ++ [C | lists:sublist(T, CPos - 1)] ++ [H] end; true -> {Upper, [Left, Right | Lower]} = lists:split(CPos - 1, T), if (H =< Right) and (H =< Left) -> Heap ++ [H | T]; Left =< Right -> down_heap(Heap ++ [Left | Upper], [H, Right | Lower]); true -> down_heap(Heap ++ [Right | Upper], [Left, H | Lower]) end end. sort(L) -> sort(new(L), []). sort([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); sort(Heap, Acc) -> {Root, Rest} = remove_root(Heap), sort(Rest, [Root | Acc]).
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