Jacobi Symbol (Erlang)

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The Jacobi symbol satisfies the six properties listed below, and these can be used to compute the Jacobi symbol in polynomial time.

  1. <<property 1>>=
    jacobi(A, N) when A rem 2 =:= 0 ->
        jacobi(2, N) * jacobi(A div 2 + A rem 2, N);
  2. For ,.
    <<property 2>>=
    jacobi(A, N) when A >= N ->
        jacobi(A rem N, N);
  3. For odd coprimes a and n, .
    <<property 3>>=
    jacobi(A, N) when A rem 4 =:= 3, N rem 4 =:= 3 ->
        -jacobi(N, A);
    jacobi(A, N) ->
        jacobi(N, A).
  4. .
    <<property 4>>=
    jacobi(1, _N) ->
  5. .
    <<property 5>>=
    jacobi(2, N) ->
        case (N rem 8) of
            1 -> 1;
            3 -> -1;
            5 -> -1;
            7 -> 1
  6. .
    <<property 6>>=
    jacobi(0, _N) ->

From these properties we can come up with a polynomial time algorithm.

The function always complete as property 1 can be used to remove all even factors, and these will end at property 4. The odd factors will be reduced by property 2 if and if a < n property 3 will swap a and n and property 2 will again reduce a until it matches property 4 or property 6.

<<jacobi symbol>>=
property 4
property 5
property 6
property 1
property 2
property 3

This is an escript, it can be run from the command line on unix type computers.

#!/usr/bin/env escript
main([A, P]) ->
    io:fwrite("~p~n", [xjacobi(string:to_integer(A), string:to_integer(P))]).
xjacobi({A, _}, {B, _}) ->
    jacobi(A, B).
    jacobi symbol
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