Fibonacci numbers (Smalltalk)
From LiteratePrograms
- Other implementations: ALGOL 68 | Alice ML | bc | C | C Plus Plus templates | dc | E | Eiffel | Erlang | Forth | FORTRAN | Haskell | Hume | Icon | Java | JavaScript | Lisp | Logo | Lua | Mercury | OCaml | occam | Oz | Pascal | PIR | PostScript | Python | Ruby | Scala | Scheme | Sed | sh | sh, iterative | Smalltalk | T-SQL | Visual Basic .NET
This simple method uses recursion to return Fibonacci number at receiver position.
fibonacciRecursive "calculates Fibonacci number at position number self recursively" | num1 num2 res | self<0 ifTrue: [self error: 'Not able to calculate Fibonacci number at negative position']. self<2 ifTrue: [^1]. num1 := (self - 1) fibonacciRecursive. num2 := (self - 2) fibonacciRecursive. res := num1 + num2. ^res
Iterative implementation gives Fibonacci number at receiver position.
fibonacci "calculates Fibonacci number at position number self" | num1 num2 res | self<0 ifTrue: [self error: 'Not able to calculate Fibonacci number at negative position']. self<2 ifTrue: [^1]. num1 := 1. num2 := 1. self-1 timesRepeat: [res := num1 + num2. num2 := num1. num1 := res]. ^res
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