Julian days (QBASIC)
From LiteratePrograms
Calculations with dates and times are often required. Many modern languages have built-in datetime types to make this easy. Unfortunately BASIC doesn't. This group of functions remedies that by making use of a form of day-based date known as a Julian day. This allows for the representation of dates and times by DOUBLE precision floating point numbers. Once in this format it is easy to carry out calculations on dates and times. The only difficulty lies in converting from a specific calendar such as the Gregorian calendar to the Julian Day Number (and vice-versa).
These functions provide the ability to convert between the ISO STRING representation of a Gregorian date and its Julian DOUBLE representation. Note that time is not currently handled, therefore the functions always assume midnight as the beginning of the day. Since the Julian date system starts at noon, this means that all Julian day numbers produced or used by these functions will be 0.5 less than might otherwise be expected.
The first function takes a Gregorian date formatted in the ISO manner, ie YYYYMMDD, and calculates the Julian Day Number from it using the widely known function which can be found in the Wikipedia article.
<<julian conversion function>>= FUNCTION JulianDay# (aISOdate AS STRING) DIM dDay AS LONG DIM dMonth AS LONG DIM dYear AS LONG LET dYear = VAL(MID$(aISOdate, 1, 4)) LET dMonth = VAL(MID$(aISOdate, 5, 2)) LET dDay = VAL(MID$(aISOdate, 7, 2)) IF dMonth < 3 THEN LET dMonth = dMonth + 12 LET dYear = dYear - 1 END IF LET JulianDay# = 1721118.5# + dDay + (153 * dMonth - 457) \ 5 + INT(365.25# * dYear) - INT(.01# * dYear) + INT(.0025# * dYear) END FUNCTION
The second function takes a Julian Day Number and calculates the Gregorian date formatted in the ISO manner from it using another widely known method which, once again, can be found in the Wikipedia article.
<<gregorian conversion function>>= FUNCTION ISOday$ (aJulianDay AS DOUBLE) DIM dBaseDay AS LONG DIM G AS DOUBLE DIM dCentury AS LONG DIM B AS LONG DIM C AS LONG DIM dYear AS LONG DIM dMonth AS INTEGER DIM dDay AS INTEGER LET dBaseDay = INT(aJulianDay - 1721118.5#) LET G = dBaseDay - .25# LET dCentury = INT(G / 36524.25) LET B = dCentury - INT(dCentury / 4) LET dYear = INT((B + G) / 365.25) LET C = B + dBaseDay - INT(365.25 * dYear) LET dMonth = (5 * C + 456) \ 153 LET dDay = C - (153 * dMonth - 457) \ 5 IF dMonth > 12 THEN dYear = dYear + 1 dMonth = dMonth - 12 END IF LET ISOday$ = RIGHT$(STR$(10000 + dYear), 4) + RIGHT$(STR$(100 + dMonth), 2) + RIGHT$(STR$(100 + dDay), 2) END FUNCTION
The third function is a utility function which takes a date, formatted as MM-DD-YYYY, and changes it to YYYYMMDD.
<<US2ISO conversion function>>= FUNCTION US2ISOdate$ (aUSdate AS STRING) LET US2ISOdate$ = MID$(aUSdate, 7) + MID$(aUSdate, 1, 2) + MID$(aUSdate, 4, 2) END FUNCTION
The fourth function is a utility function which takes a date, formatted as YYYYMMDD, and changes it to MM-DD-YYYY.
<<ISO2US conversion function>>= FUNCTION ISO2USdate$ (aISOdate AS STRING) LET ISO2USdate$ = MID$(aISOdate, 5, 2) + "-" + MID$(aISOdate, 7, 2) + "-" + MID$(aISOdate, 1, 4) END FUNCTION
The fifth function can be used to check that a date really has been formatted as YYYYMMDD
<<check ISO format function>>= FUNCTION AnISOdate% (aISOdate AS STRING) DIM dTruth AS INTEGER DIM dYear AS STRING DIM dMonth AS STRING DIM dDay AS STRING LET dYear = MID$(aISOdate, 1, 4) LET dMonth = MID$(aISOdate, 5, 2) LET dDay = MID$(aISOdate, 7, 2) LET dTruth = (LEN(aISOdate) = 8) LET dTruth = dTruth AND (LTRIM$(STR$(ABS(VAL(dYear)))) = dYear) LET dTruth = dTruth AND (VAL(dMonth) >= 1 AND VAL(dMonth) <= 12) LET dTruth = dTruth AND (VAL(dDay) >= 1 AND VAL(dDay) <= 31) LET AnISOdate% = dTruth END FUNCTION
Lastly we have a little test harness to check that this works for various dates...
<<test harness>>= DECLARE FUNCTION JulianDay# (aISOdate AS STRING) DECLARE FUNCTION ISOday$ (aJulianDay AS DOUBLE) DECLARE FUNCTION AnISOdate% (aISOdate AS STRING) DECLARE FUNCTION US2ISOdate$ (aUSdate AS STRING) DECLARE FUNCTION ISO2USdate$ (aISOdate AS STRING) CLS LET TestDate$ = "02-28-1900": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "02-29-1900": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "03-01-1900": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "01-01-2000": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "02-28-2000": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "02-29-2000": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "03-01-2000": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "02-28-2004": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "02-29-2004": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "03-01-2004": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "12-31-2004": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "01-01-2005": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "12-31-2005": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "01-01-2006": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "01-31-2006": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "02-01-2006": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "02-28-2006": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "03-01-2006": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "03-31-2006": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "04-01-2006": GOSUB PrintResult LET TestDate$ = "04-30-2006": GOSUB PrintResult PRINT LET TestDate$ = DATE$: GOSUB PrintResult SYSTEM PrintResult: PRINT TestDate$, PRINT ISOdate$(TestDate$), PRINT JulianDay(ISOdate$(TestDate$)), PRINT ISOday(JulianDay(ISOdate$(TestDate$))) RETURN
And that's it.
<<julian.bas>>= test harness check ISO format function US2ISO conversion function ISO2US conversion function gregorian conversion function julian conversion function
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