99 Bottles of Beer (Erlang)

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The Implementation

As normal with erlang we use recursion to solve this problem.

bottles(2) ->
    io:fwrite("Two bottles of beer on the wall,~nTwo bottles of beer!~n" ++
              "Take one down,~nPass it around,~nOne bottle of beer on the wall!~n~n", []),
bottles(1) ->
    io:fwrite("One bottle of beer on the wall,~nOne bottle of beer!~n" ++
              "Take it down,~nPass it around,~nNo more bottles of beer on the wall!~n", []),
bottles(N) when N > 1 ->
    io:fwrite("~p bottles of beer on the wall,~n~p bottles of beer!~n" ++
              "Take one down,~nPass it around,~n~p bottles of beer on the wall!~n~n", [N, N, N-1]),
    bottles(N - 1).

We are using escript to run this program. escript calls a function name main() with a list of command line arguments as the entry point. This in turn calls the recursive function bottles with the number of bottles (99) that we start with on the wall.

main(_) ->

This snippet of code tells the shell script how to run this program. For most Linux computers this line will get the shell script to run the correct program.

#!/usr/bin/env escript

To run this dowload the code and make NinetyNineBottles.sh executable and run it.
