99 Bottles of Beer (Erlang)
From LiteratePrograms
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The Implementation
As normal with erlang we use recursion to solve this problem.
<<program>>= bottles(2) -> io:fwrite("Two bottles of beer on the wall,~nTwo bottles of beer!~n" ++ "Take one down,~nPass it around,~nOne bottle of beer on the wall!~n~n", []), bottles(1). bottles(1) -> io:fwrite("One bottle of beer on the wall,~nOne bottle of beer!~n" ++ "Take it down,~nPass it around,~nNo more bottles of beer on the wall!~n", []), true; bottles(N) when N > 1 -> io:fwrite("~p bottles of beer on the wall,~n~p bottles of beer!~n" ++ "Take one down,~nPass it around,~n~p bottles of beer on the wall!~n~n", [N, N, N-1]), bottles(N - 1).
We are using escript to run this program. escript calls a function name main() with a list of command line arguments as the entry point. This in turn calls the recursive function bottles with the number of bottles (99) that we start with on the wall.
<<main>>= main(_) -> bottles(99).
This snippet of code tells the shell script how to run this program. For most Linux computers this line will get the shell script to run the correct program.
<<header>>= #!/usr/bin/env escript
To run this dowload the code and make NinetyNineBottles.sh executable and run it.
<<NinetyNineBottles.sh>>= header program main