Basic constructs (AmigaE)
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This article describes some basic constructs in the AmigaE programming language].
There are 4 standard ways to create a loop in AmigaE.
This is a FOR loop.
<<forloop>>= FOR n:=0 TO 9 WriteF('For loop alternative 1: \d\n",n) ENDFOR FOR n:=0 TO 9 STEP 1 DO WriteF('For loop alternative 2: \d\n",n)
Here is an example of a WHILE loop. The output is exactly the same as in the FOR loop example. In the alternative way of writing this the BUT construct is used to allow for a second expression (sequencing).
<<whileloop>>= n:=0 WHILE n<10 WriteF('While loop alternative 1: \d\n",n) n:=n+1 ENDWHILE n:=0 WHILE n<10 DO n:=n+1 BUT WriteF('While loop alternative 2: \d\n",n)
The REPEAT ... UNTIL works like the WHILE loop, except the test expression is evaluated after the code block.
<<repeatuntilloop>>= n:=0; REPEAT n:=n+1 WriteF("'REPEAT .. UNTIL loop \d\n",n) UNTIL n=9
This is a never ending DO LOOP - exit is done by using the Amiga E's "goto" statement JUMP
<<doloop>>= n:=0; DO n:=n+1 WtiteF("'REPEAT .. UNTIL loop \d\n",n) IF n=9 JUMP exit LOOP exit:
<<loops>>= PROC loops() forloop whileloop repeatuntilloop doloop ENDFOR
<<basic_constructs.e>>= PROC main() loops() ENDPROC