Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (Erlang)
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-module(lucas_lehmer). -export([lucas_lehmer/1]). lucas_lehmer(P) -> M = pow(2, P) - 1, lucas_lehmer(P, M, 4, P - 2). lucas_lehmer(_, _, S, I) when I == 0 -> if S == 0 -> prime; true -> composite end; lucas_lehmer(P, M, S0, I) -> S = ((S0 * S0) - 2) rem M, lucas_lehmer(P, M, S, I - 1). %% Replace math:pow/2 which return a float pow(_Base, 0) -> 1; pow(Base, Exponent) when Exponent rem 2 =:= 1 -> Base * pow(Base, Exponent-1); pow(Base, Exponent) when Exponent rem 2 =:= 0 -> pow(Base*Base, Exponent div 2).
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