Radix sort (C)

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An implementation of radix sort for unsigned int in c. It uses counting sort for each iteration (see Category:Counting sort for more implementations of counting sort).




This function takes the pointer to, and size, of an array, and the number of bits used as the key in each iteration.

void radix_sort_uint(unsigned int *a, size_t size, int bits)
	unsigned int mask;
	unsigned int rshift=0u;
	unsigned int *p, *b, *b_orig;
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int key;
	int cntsize;
	int *cntarray;


We use an array of the same size as the original array to store the result of each iteration.

	b=b_orig=malloc(size*sizeof(unsigned int));

An array is needed to store the count for each key value.

	cntarray=calloc(cntsize, sizeof(int));

The main algorithm

mask is the bitmask used to extract the sort key. We start with the bits least significant bits and left-shift it the same amount at each iteration. When all the bits are shifted out of the word, we are done.

	for(mask=~(UINT_MAX<<bits); mask; mask<<=bits, rshift+=bits) {

Counting sort

We count each key value.

		for(p=a; p<a+size; ++p) {
			key=(*p & mask)>>rshift;

Here, we sum up how many elements there are with lower key values, for each key.

		for(i=1; i<cntsize; ++i) cntarray[i]+=cntarray[i-1];

The values in cntarray are used as indexes for storing the values in b. b will then be completely sorted on this iteration's key. Elements with the same key value are stored in their original internal order.

		for(p=a+size-1; p>=a; --p) {
			key=(*p & mask)>>rshift;


We swap the a and b pointers, so that the next iteration works on the current b, which is now partially sorted.

		p=b; b=a; a=p;

cntarray is cleaned up for the next iteration.

		bzero(cntarray, cntsize * sizeof(int));

If the completely sorted array is in the malloc'ed array, we must copy it to the array provided by the user.

	if(a==b_orig) memcpy(b, a, size*sizeof(unsigned int));

Test driver

This test program uses 4 bits for the key. radix_sort_uint() will accept any number of bits for the key, but it will allocate at least 2bits ints of storage.

int main()
	int i;
	unsigned int a[]={
	printf("Before radix sort:\n");
	for(i=0; i<sizeof a/sizeof(unsigned int); ++i) 
		printf(" %d", a[i]);
	radix_sort_uint(a, sizeof a/sizeof(int), 4);
	printf("After radix sort:\n");
	for(i=0; i<sizeof a/sizeof(unsigned int); ++i) 
		printf(" %d", a[i]);
	return 0;
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