LiteratePrograms:Requested articles
From LiteratePrograms
Here, you can request that we write articles implementing a particular algorithm or system, and in any language you choose. We'll do our best to fulfill your request, although depending on what experience our volunteers have, we may have to research the topic or choose a different implementation language. If you have good sources on how to implement the algorithm, or some source code of your own that you'd like to contribute, please include them. Write as much or as little as you want - we'll ask questions here if we need any clarification. After we begin implementing it, we'll post a link here. Thanks!
See also Special:Wantedpages.
Requested articles
Base64 (C) - Cholesky decomposition (Eiffel)
- Cyclic redundancy check (C)
- Depth-first search (C)
- Dijkstra's algorithm (C)
- Dijkstra's algorithm (Java)
- Dijkstra's algorithm (Perl)
- Dijkstra's algorithm (Visual Basic)
- Disjoint set data structure (Pascal)
- Edit distance (C) (or Levenshtein distance (C))
- Hello World (ChucK)
- Hello World (Lua)
- Five coloring of planar graphs (C)
- Insertion sort (C, optimized)
- Insertion sort (Python) (codedump — please "literatize" me)
- Kruskal's algorithm (C)
- Lisp add-on for noweb (C)
- Median filter (C)
Merge sort (Java) -
Merge sort (Lisp) -
Red-black tree (C) - Quicksort (C Sharp)
- Quicksort (Visual Basic)
- Quine-McCluskey algorithm (C Plus Plus)
Word count (C Plus Plus) -
Selection sort (C) - Suffix tree (Java, Ukkonen)
- Category:Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers (should be easy, see the Wikipedia article)
- Karatsuba algorithm (C) (ref)
- Schönhage-Strassen algorithm (C) (ref)